Autism Connect – National Helpline

    Autism Connect — National Autism Helpline Autism Connect is a free, national autism helpline, providing independent and expert information over phone, email and webchat. It supports autistic people, their families and carers, health professionals, researchers, teachers, employers and the broader community. Telephone 1300 308 699 or Go to this [...]

    By |2022-08-29T04:14:56+00:00September 14th, 2021|Resources|Comments Off on Autism Connect – National Helpline

      2021 Practical Autism Strategies Workshops

      Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers  (also suitable for Teacher Aides, School Executive, Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists) Would you like practical tips for identifying, connecting with and supporting children and adolescents on the autism spectrum? Our 2-day workshops include videos of children and adolescents on the autism [...]

      By |2022-08-29T04:31:18+00:00July 19th, 2021|Professional development, Webinars|Comments Off on 2021 Practical Autism Strategies Workshops

        2021 Practical Autism Strategies Online Workshops

        2021 Practical Autism Strategies Workshops How do I engage with learners who are reluctant to enter the classroom, engage in group activities, or attempt written work? How do I prevent and respond to children running from the room, hiding under the desk, hitting others, or being the 'playground policeman'? [...]

        By |2022-08-29T04:35:08+00:00June 11th, 2021|Professional development, Webinars|Comments Off on 2021 Practical Autism Strategies Online Workshops

          Raising Autistic Teenage Girls and Gender Diverse Youth Webinar

          Webinar for parents and professionals working with autistic teenage girls and gender diverse youth About this event Amaze is holding a webinar for parents and professionals working with autistic teenage girls and gender diverse youth. Through this webinar, you will learn about the issues facing autistic girls and gender [...]

          By |2022-08-29T04:36:27+00:00June 11th, 2021|Events, Professional development, Webinars|Comments Off on Raising Autistic Teenage Girls and Gender Diverse Youth Webinar

            Scholarship Opportunity: Autism employment

            Scholarship Opportunity: Autism employment  We are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from individuals interested in completing a PhD in collaboration with the La Trobe University Business School and the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre on the topic of autism employment. The research will examine the role of organisational factors [...]

            By |2022-08-29T04:46:32+00:00May 21st, 2021|Opportunities|Comments Off on Scholarship Opportunity: Autism employment

              An interview with La Trobe’s first openly Autistic lecturer, Dr. Benjamin Habib: Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month

              An interview with La Trobe's first openly autistic lecturer In 2016, La Trobe Senior Lecturer Dr. Benjamin Habib had an anxiety attack on live national television during a guest appearance as a political analyst. While this highly publicised experience resulted in what Dr. Habib refers to as “the worst [...]

              By |2022-08-29T04:47:26+00:00May 21st, 2021|Advocacy, Articles|Comments Off on An interview with La Trobe’s first openly Autistic lecturer, Dr. Benjamin Habib: Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month

                Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers

                Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers 2021 Practical Autism Strategies Workshops LIVE Interactive ZOOM Webinar 17th & 18th May 2021 - Register Online or Download the Registration Form LIVE Interactive ZOOM Webinar 15th & 16th June 2021 - Register Online or Download the Registration Form Your questions answered (and more): How do I engage with learners [...]

                By |2022-08-29T05:10:35+00:00March 10th, 2021|Events, Professional development|Comments Off on Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers

                  I Can Resources – Humans on the Autism Spectrum: School Leavers

                  I Can Resources - Humans on the Autism Spectrum: School Leavers The I Can Network share Autistic insights through personal stories and professional development. Worldwide,  offering free webinars and online resources via  newsletter and social media pages. Since 2016,  the I Can Network have been running an annual campaign called Humans on [...]

                  By |2022-08-29T05:15:29+00:00March 8th, 2021|Events, Professional development, Resources, Webinars|Comments Off on I Can Resources – Humans on the Autism Spectrum: School Leavers

                    Applications Now Open for IBM Neurodiversity Program 2021

                    Applications Now Open for IBM Neurodiversity Program 2021 At IBM, work is more than a job – it is a calling. To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with the clients and sell. To make markets. To invest. To collaborate. Not just to do something [...]

                    By |2022-08-29T05:32:18+00:00February 11th, 2021|Articles|Comments Off on Applications Now Open for IBM Neurodiversity Program 2021

                      2020 STEMLabs December Program

                      Applications open now through to Wednesday 25th November 2020! Do you have a passion for detecting faults and identifying bugs when looking through websites or games and apps? Do you have an eye for detail? A passion for finding specific information in news articles, publications, research etc? Ever considered a [...]

                      By |2020-11-15T23:01:00+00:00November 15th, 2020|Events|Comments Off on 2020 STEMLabs December Program