Graduate Employment Assistance
Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) via JobAccess
JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers. JobAccess administers the Employment Assistance Fund. The EAF provides financial help for employers and eligible people with disability and mental health conditions to buy work related equipment, modifications and services (including Auslan interpreting in the workplace, on the job support and Disability Awareness Training). JobAccess coordinate a national panel of assessors to conduct workplace assessments. JobAccess advise on workplace modifications and can tap into the Fund to reimburse the costs of eligible work related equipment and supports, to help employees with disability perform at their best.
Link: JobAccess – The Employment Assistance Fund
Disability Employment Services
Disability Employment Services provide specialised assistance in areas such as job hunting, résumé writing, disability disclosure, workplace modifications, incentives to employers and on-the-job support. For more information go to the employment assistance page.
PACE Mentoring
PACE Mentoring is the Australian Network on Disability’s dynamic mentoring program designed to assist employers in engaging with students and job seekers with disability. It aims to assist students and job seekers with disability develop practical skills for their job search, build confidence in their abilities, and gain exposure to work environments. Participants meet with their mentor 6-8 times over a 12 week period, who provides guidance on how to achieve career goals. For more information about the program and eligibility requirements visit our website.
Stepping Into Internships
Stepping Into is the Australian Network on Disabilities paid internship program designed specifically for university students with disability who want to gain hands-on work experience in their chosen field of study. Students benefit significantly through gaining experience of the job application and interview process, developing a network of contacts within a professional organisation and having the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge. For more information about the program and eligibility requirements visit the website.
TAFE Specialist Employment Partnerships (TSEP)
TSEP is also a National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) pilot program. that replicates the USEP model in a TAFE setting. A consultant is located on a participating TAFE campuses to support students with disability in their final year of study and transitioning into graduate employment. This trial service is available to students with disability at participating TAFE in their final year of study, and students within one year of graduation.
To find out more please contact the NDCO in your region for further information or click here to go to the TSEP Page.
University Specialist Employment Partnerships (USEP)
USEP is a National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) pilot program. Through a USEP partnership, a consultant is located on participating University campuses to support students with disability in their final year of study who would like to transition into graduate employment. This trial service is available to students with disability at participating universities in their final year of study, and students within one year of graduation.
USEP works proactively with the graduates and students, University teams, state governments, national employers, graduate portals, and other relevant programs including PACE & Stepping Into (where applicable) to produce the best possible employment result for University students with disability.
The USEP website & Facebook page contains articles, posts, and links to all things relating to graduate employment for people with disability.
Go to link here.