Registration is now open for two online forums for new Disability Practitioners or those who might be interested in being involved in the discussion.
If you are a new Disability Practitioner in either the VET or university sectors and would like to learn from others with experience in the Disability Practitioner role then these forums will be ideal for you.
The forums will: Provide clarity on what is expected within your role, where does it start and end? Provide tips and tricks when starting out in the role; Discuss what is reasonable when making reasonable adjustments; Identify key legislative frameworks that underpin your work.
There will be two sessions, one for VET staff and one for university staff.
For the VET sector we will be joined by three panellists, Brandon Taylor (TAFE QLD), Stephen Manson (TAFE SA) and Linda Glover (TasTAFE). When: Tuesday 11 May, 1:00 – 2:00pm (AEST)
Further information and registration details for the new disability practitioner – VET forum
For the university sector we will be joined by three panellists, Jayne Ayliffe (Uni SA), Mirela Suciu (UNE) and Tracey Nelson (Deakin). When: Tuesday 1 June, 12:00 – 1:00 pm (AEST)
Further information and registration details for the new disability practitioner – University forum
These forums are free to attend, they will be Auslan interpreted, live captioned and recorded. The recording will be made available on the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training. (ADCET)